Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
1,628 lines
S i l i c o s i s
Version 1.07 Release
Written By Skeeve of Myth Conception BBS
[404] 434-7936
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Section 1 What is Silicosis?
1.1 General description
1.2 List of major features
1.3 Distribution policy
Section 2 Setting up Silicosis
2.1 Running the Setup program
2.1.1 General board information
2.1.2 Modem commands
2.1.3 Directory information
2.1.4 Levels
2.1.5 File section
2.1.6 String configuration
2.1.7 Colors
2.1.8 Times
2.1.9 Conference setup
2.1.10 Network setup
2.1.11 Miscellaneous setup
2.2 Configurable status screens
2.3 Sysop definable text files
2.4 Setting up message bases
2.5 Setting up transfer directories
Section 3 Net Setup
3.1 SilicosisNet
3.2 CelerityNet
Section 4 Running the Board
4.1 The Waiting For Call (WFC) Screen
4.2 Sysop Commands
4.3 File Sponsor Commands
4.4 Message Sponsor Commands
4.5 Online Commands
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Section 1: What is Silicosis?
1.1 General Description
Welcome to Silicosis!
I started this software more as a hobby than anything else. It is
a Forum/TCS hack that trys to take the features of other boards
and combine them into one system. The features added were all
ones that I have always wanted on my board.
1.2 List of Features
-- Silicosis is designed to make a SysOps life easy.
-- New users can be "Quick Validated" with one keystroke.
-- Complete User Editing allowed while an user is online.
-- SysOp definable colors. Users can define their own colors.
-- Many SysOp definable options in the Setup program.
-- There are NO secret back doors for someone to access your
board. These are tricks of power hungry adolescents that
are not condoned.
File Functions
-- The only BBS with an internal FREQing routine.
-- Automatic ZIP commenting.
-- Configurable File Listing - users can choose how detailed
they want their file listings.
-- File Commission System - if the SysOp desires, users will
receive file points every time their upload is downloaded.
This can be set up so a user gets NO points for uploading.
Points will be received when people download his file.
Users are not rewarded for uploading worthless or old files
that are not wanted. Users that upload quality files are
rewarded with file points.
-- SysOp can configure the system to allow users to rate the
file point cost of their uploads. When using the commission
system, this is also the amount of commission the user
receives when the file is downloaded.
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Miscellaneous Functions
-- Easy to use Setup program - different from other
Forum-clone setups.
-- Fully configurable matrix. Matrix commands can be added and
removed as the sysop desires. Each command is fully
configurable. The matrix can exist as one of six options,
The Silicosis Matrix, Emulex style, Simulated DOS matrix,
Pull down, SysOp definable and the last type is a random
selection of the previous five. The matrix is optional and
can be disabled.
-- Hard coded internal menus - makes for a faster system. This
is a configurable option. External menus can also be used.
If an external menu does not exist, then the internal one
will be displayed.
New User Functions
-- Fully automated new user voting section. Allows your users
to decide who gets access and who doesn't. The SysOp can
over ride this function.
-- SysOp can decide whether or not to have the users to vote
in the NUVoting section.
-- New Users can be asked to upload immediately after applying.
Message Functions
-- Full conferencing. Silicosis supports up to five entirely
independent message bases and transfer sections. This is
ideal for support of multiple computer types. Silicosis
conferences are more than just an access flag. If you don't
desire conferencing, it is a simple matter to turn it off.
-- Zmodem and ASCII message uploads.
Net Functions
-- Silicosis is CelerityNet compatible.
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1.3 Distribution Policy
Silicosis is NOT a public access BBS. If you have downloaded a
demo copy, you must get a registration code from Skeeve at Myth
Conceptions BBS.
The Registration fee is $50.00. You MUST have HST speed. Contact
Skeeve on Myth Conception to descuss registering.
Section 2: Setting up Silicosis
If you are a new SysOp, you need to read this carefully. If you
have experience with other forum clones the transition to
Silicosis will be painless. If you are switching from a
TAG/Telegard system, then there will be some changes to get use
to. If you are a first time sysop you might want to start with
something a little more simplistic, say Wildcat, hehe.
2.1 The Setup Program
The Setup program for Silicosis is different from ANY of the
configuration programs supplied with the other forum-clones. It
is divided into 11 separate categories to make setting up and
maintaining the board as effortless as possible. Each category
will be briefly discussed here.
2.1.1 General Board Info
In this section the basic specs for your board are laid out.
Most are self explanatory. The registration code field must
either have a verified code gotten only from Skeeve or "DEMO".
In the demo mode, the board will be completely functional for a
period of ten days. After that, strange occurances will begin to
happen that will annoy the hell out of you.
There is NO code in the program that will do any damage to the
data (other than the BBS data) on you hard drive.
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2.1.2 Modem Commands
Again, most of the commands here are pretty cut and dry. If you
have problems getting your modem set up, try asking for help in
the Silicosis support section on my board. There are several
different setups running Silicosis so a wide array help is
The most important commands to have in you initiation string are
"V0" and if you allow 2400 users you need "&H3".
2.1.3 Directory Info
These are VERY important! All the directories MUST exist for
Silicosis to operate correctly.
Main - Where your *.exe, *.ovr, Pkzip/Pkunzip, and DSZ files
Message - Text and map files for you message base.
Board - Contains your board area information.
Menu - Where your ANSI and ASCII files are kept, including
bulletins, welcome screens, help screens and infoforms.
Doors - Contains batch files for any doors you may run on your
Xfer - Where uploads go during processing, then they go to the
proper directory.
Net - Where your net messages are stored and received. The
files "SENDSUBS" and "REQUEST.LST" belong here.
2.1.4 Levels
This area of Setup lets you configure what security level is
required to perform certain commands on your board. Be careful
here, you probably will not be able to leave these as defaults.
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2.1.5 File Section
Set up the file area here. Very important here is the DSZ log
filename. The full path and filename here MUST be the same as you
have in your autoexec.bat file to set the dsz log environment
variable. You can have the file area as automated as you wish. If
you choice to Auto-Validate uploads, they will be available for
download immediately. If you use the User-Rate option, the file
point value will be set according to how the user has rated the
file. He has the option of making it free as well. If you do not
configure User-Rate, but do auto-validate them, the point cost
will be set according to how the K-Per Point field is set.
2.1.6 String Configuration
This area sets up strings that are displayed at various points on
your board. Most are self-explanatory. One that will need a
little explanation is the prompt string. If left blank, a hard
coded one will be displayed. But to make your board more unique,
you can design your own. Control codes can be used in the string
to changes colors or display important information. The codes are
as follows:
^UH - User's Handle ^00 - Black Foreground
^UN - User Number ^01 - Blue
^CP - Menu name ^02 - Green
^TL - Time Left ^03 - Cyan
^CT - Current Time ^04 - Red
^CD - Current Date ^05 - Magenta
^B0 - Black Background ^06 - Brown
^B1 - Blue Background ^07 - Light Grey
^B2 - Green Background ^08 - Dark Grey
^B3 - Cyan Background ^09 - Bright Blue
^B4 - Red Background ^10 - Bright Green
^B5 - Magenta Background ^11 - Bright Cyan
^B6 - Brown Background ^12 - Bright Red
^B7 - Grey Background ^13 - Bright Magenta
^14 - Yellow
^15 - White
For Instance:
^03-^01-^09=^10> ^03^CP ^11- ^TL ^10<^09=^01-^03-
Gives you:
--=> Main - 37 <=--
I can't show colors here, but they above string contains cyan,
dark blue, bright blue, bright green, and bright cyan.
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2.1.7 Colors
The first 8 fields in this area control the default colors users
will be given when they apply. They may adjust these to their own
liking, however most users will not. It is recommended to stay
with a color scheme, such as blues, cyans and white. Trying to
make every color different can result is a "tacky" look.
The stat line color is the bottom line that the sysop sees. The
header box color is for the header boxes through out the board.
Here again it should blend in well with the default user colors.
2.1.8 Times
Set times in this area. If a batch event time is set, any user
logging on shortly before the scheduled time will have his time
adjusted so the event may run on time. Five minutes before an
event, the board will not allow users on until after the event.
If a Net Call time is set, the board will began trying to make a
network connection. The BBS will redial about every 5 minutes
the board until a connection is made.
All times MUST be entered in the format of 3:00 AM or 12:59 PM.
Make sure there are no spaces before the numbers.
2.1.9 Conference Setup
A total of 5 conferences may be used. If you would like to quick
validated an users access to a conference, put yes in the proper
field for each.
2.1.10 Network Setup
To enter the Network, a node number must be obtained from me.
Presently only messages are netted. Plans include rumors, bbs
lists and net news.
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2.1.11 Miscellaneous Setup
This is where everything else is dumped. Things of note are:
Use Lottery - If toggled to yes , at each caller's first
logon of the day they will be allowed to play a lottery
which will pay in file points. Six numbers are picked,
then the software randomly picks six. The more matches the
more file points given.
Matrix Type - This maybe 1 through 6. They are:
1 - Basic Silicosis matrix. An ansi menu is hardcoded, but
an external one also may be used. Name it Matrix1.bbs and
put it in your menus directory
2 - Emulex style. A no frills matrix.
3 - Dos type. Users logging on will be given the impression
they have accessed you DOS. They will be given a stern
warning if they think they can use the Format or Delete
4 - This is a completely configurable matrix. The commands
for each option are entered in the setup program.
Defaults are used otherwise. An external menu is available
as well. Name it confmat.bbs
5 - Bar matrix. This is a hard coded bar menu, much like that
on Havok systems.
6 - This randomly picks one of the previous 5 types. A little
far fetched, but what the hell...
Quick-Validate - New users they can be quickly validated with one
keystroke. The default settings for normal access are setup here.
Internal Menus - If this is yes, then Internal Menus will be
shown. However, external Stat screens will still be shown IF
they exist. If Internal Menus are turned off, then Silicosis
will look for an external one. If not found, the internal one
will be shown.
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2.2 Configurable Stat Screens
The sysop can design his own stat screens to be displayed, rather
than the ones hardcoded.
Four such screens can exist, and should be saved in the following
LOGNSTAT. : This will be the stat screen displayed when the
user first logs in to the system.
YOURSTAT. : This replaces the main "Your Status" screen from
the main menu.
XFERSTAT. : This replaces the Xfer status screen and Top
uploaders section.
MSGSTAT. : This replaces the Message Status screen and Top
Make sure the files do not have a suffix. If you wish to make
different files for different emulations, do so, but you MUST
have one file with no suffix.
You can add .ANS and .ASC files if you desire.
How the hell do you make a screen? Easy. You need to get into
TheDraw or whatever ANSI editor you use, and design your screen.
When you've got everything designed the way you like it, jump
into animation mode, and place the display commands at the
location you wish the data to appear. The display
commands come in two types, @ commands and ` commands.
Here are the valid commands:
@H - User's handle
@R - User's Real name
@n - User's phone number
@N - User note
@p - Password
@T - Total time spent online
@t - Time left today
@# - Total number of calls
@1..@5 - displays the conference name IF the user has access to
the conference.
@L - Date of last call
@l - Time of last call
@S - Sysop availability
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@c - Last caller
@B - User's BBS level
@G - User's Gfile level
@X - User's Xfer level
@P - New Messages since last call
@M - E-Mail Waiting
`X - Number of uploads
`x - number of downloads
`K - K uploaded (includes a 'k' at the end of the value)
`k - K downloaded (also includes a 'k' at the end)
`R - Upload/Download ratio (includes a '%' at the end)
`F - File points
`C - Commission points earned (since last call)
`U - New uploads
`G - New Gfiles
`P - Messages Posted
`D - New databases
`c - Average CPS rate user gets downloading
`p - Post/Call ratio
2.3 Sysop Definable Text Files
There are certain files that are in the MENU directory which the
sysop can (and is encouraged to) modify to meet the needs of his
or her own system.
Default files will be included to demonstrate the formats.
Some of these files are:
Assorted Message Files, These have no extension.
Donation - Displayed to a user with the $ command.
Usually contains the board's donation policy.
Goodbye - Displayed to all users when they log off. Often a
list of other BBS' the system recognizes.
Newuser - When new users log on, this file is displayed. It
usually tells a bit about the system and the
requirements for access.
Nicetry - If a user messes up on a password three times,
they will be logged off and displayed the file.
It usually contains a message to the effect of "If
you were a new user, you aren't wanted here. If
you're a hacker, fuck off". Not that a nasty
message will stop a hacker.
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Nuke - Displayed when the sysop deletes an online user.
Often a nasty message is appropriate here.
Timesup - Text displayed to user when they run out of time
while logged on.
.BBS Files. - You may include *.ASC versions without color, and
.TXT files for users without IBM ASCII.
Feedback.BBS - Message a new user gets indicating to them to
leave feedback to the sysop after applying for
Prelogon.BBS - Text displayed after a user has given the command
to enter system 1 from the matrix.
Blacklst.BBS - Displayed when a user tries to log on new, and has
been blacklisted from your system. See BLACKLST.
Other Files: See notes with each individual file.
Xfernews.* - Xfernews.x where x is the conference number is
displayed when a user enters the xfer section of
conference x.
Blacklst. - This file has NO extension. It contains a list of
handles that you do not want admitted to your
system. If a user is listed here, they will be
shown the Blacklst.BBS file when they log on new.
Welcome.* - ANSI welcome screens have a suffix of a numerical
value from 1 to 9 (you may have 9 ANSI logon
screens, displayed at random when a user has
entered his/her password). You also may
have one WELCOME.ASC file and one WELCOME.TXT file
for non-ANSI users. Enter the number of ANSI
screens you have in the config program to ensure
proper randomization.
Lognstat.* -- }
Msgstat.* -- } See Section 2.2 Configurable Stat Screens
Xferstat.* -- }
Yourstat.* -- }
Menus: There are three types of menu files, ending with an
.ANS suffix for ANSI, .ASC for IBM ASCII, and .(nothing) for
conventional ASCII. Menus may all be edited at the sysop's
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2.4 Setting up Message Subs
Once completing the necessary setup for the board, start it up
and press F10 to log on locally.
Once logged on, change your password. Use something unique on
your own board to prevent any chance of it being hacked. You
also may want to configure your colors, etc. Press "K" from the
main menu to do this.
Once you have your user account set up the way you like it, press
M to go to the message section. No bases will exist so you will
be prompted to create the first one. Several questions will be
asked of you.
Board Name/Number: This is what a user must type to enter the
sub. Generally you will use a number to
access the sub. Short names like NET, CODES,
or WARES can be used also.
Board Name : This is the subs real name, such as "General
Talk", "For Sale" or "BBS Ads".
Sponsor : The co-sysop for the individual sub may be
entered here. Usually the sysop himself will
take this role, although you may appoint
others to run a sub if you desire.
Access Level : Users must have this level or above to
access the sub. If you change their personal
access flag, this may be circumvented for
special cases.
Autodelete After : This value is the number of posts allowed on
the sub. When this number is exceeded, the
2nd post on the sub will be removed to make
room for new posts.
Net ID : This is used for the CelerityNet Compatible
network. A list of available subs appears
later in this file. Enter a 0 for a local
(non-networked) sub. More on the Net later.
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2.5 Xfer Dirs setup
Press T from the main menu, Silicosis will ask you if you want to
create the first area, choose yes. You'll see a list of
questions similar to the message base setup. Below are the
questions and what they do:
Area Name : Example, "Uploads" and "Utilities".
Access Level : The minimum level a user must have to access
this area
Sponsor : The area's sponsor. This is not important.
Password : Password to enter an area, useful for high access
Upload : Allows USERS to upload to this area.
Download : Allows USERS to download from this area.
Path : The path to the files in this area. An example is
The next area can be set up by pressing 'A2'. You will have to
repeat the same steps as above. Then 'A3' and so on, until
you've set up the areas you desire.
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Section 3 Net Setup
Silicosis allows the netting of message areas. Silicosis has a
net centered on Myth Conception BBS. Silicosis is also
compatable with CelerityNet. You have to setup on your end, and
on the host's end to make it work correctly.
Contact Skeeve of Myth Conceptions for your Net Node number and
password for the SilicosisNet or Byter of Lexicon of the Cabal
for the CelerityNet.
3.1 Silicosis NET
Any Silicosis system is welcome to join. Leave Skeeve at Myth
Conceptions mail with a password and he will set you up a node #.
Following is the instructions for setting up netmail on
In SETUP, configure the following options.
Use Net :Yes
Net Type :1 for SilicosisNet. 2 for CelerityNet.
Net Node # :This is the node number you get from Skeeve for
SilicosisNet or from The Byter for CelerityNet.
Origin Line :This can be whatever you want. Your board name is
in the first line of the origin. It is recommended
you put something else here. Some little tid-bit
about your board.
Net HOST? :NO (Set to yes only if setting up your own private
net, contact Skeeve for more info on that)
Host Phone #:14044347936 (Host number goes here. Put Myth
Conceptions for SilicosisNet or Lexicon's for
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The next step is to set up the net message bases on your board.
These are the available areas as of 4/30/91. Others can be added
at a later date. The exact name of the base on your board is up
to you, but the net ID# MUST match.
1 Net Chat A general message base
2 Software Review New wares discussions
3 BBS Ads BBS advertisements
4 Sports Sports discussions
5 Books & Literature For users that can read
6 Multitasking Windows, DesqView, etc...
7 Programming Programming discussions
8 Silicosis Ideas For users input and ideas
9 Silicosis Sysops A Silicosis Sysop ONLY base
10 Buy & Sell For sale and wanted ads
11 Technical Technical discussions
12 Music Music discussions
13 BBS Software Discussion of ANY BBS software
99 Net Testing Use this for test messages on the net
255 Private Net Mail Allows private messages between boards.
Carry only the boards you want. It is not a requirement to carry
them all.
After you have set up your message bases. You must create a text
file called "sendsubs." This file will contain the net id #s of
the boards you wish to net. They must be one to a line and the
last line of the file MUST have a 0 ending it. If you want to
have Net Chat, Programming, and Silicosis Sysops on your board,
your sendsubs would look like this:
Creating this file and place it in you NET directory.
Pressing F1 will force a network call. If you set a time in
SETUP it will begin calling at that time and will continue trying
to make a call until a connection is made. It will assume the
call was successful and not try again if it wasn't. This is to
prevent several connection in one day if for some reason there
was a problem at you host system. You should make your first
couple of net calls manually to be sure it is working
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3.2 CelerityNet
You'll need to run Setup and go to the Net area, change the Net
type to '2' for CelerityNet instead of the '1' for SilicosisNet.
The Setup in the Message bases for the CelerityNet is the same as
in the SilicosisNet except the NET ID#'s are different.
Contact Byter either on Lexicon. There may be an annual fee of
$20.00 to be in the net.
The current valid CelerityNet ID codes, as of November 1st, 1990,
1: CelerityNet Support - Celerity sysops only, please.
Don't let users in here. Your
co-sysops can have access. Havok
and Silicosis sysops may have
access to this sub for CelerityNet
reasons only.
2: Buy / Sell - A marketplace for all the
CelerityNet boards.
3: CelerityNet Talk - A general discussion sub for users.
This is for general conversations .
4: The Pirate Scene - This is for discussion of new
wares, ware reviews, cracking
groups, etc.
5: Celerity Discussion - This is for discussion about
the Celerity software. Open to all
6: Other Boards - This is for BBS ads.
7: Technical - For all sorts of technical
8: Software Review - Discussion about new games and
9: News & Politics - Political and world event
10: Entertainment - Movie, Music, Video, and Concert
11: Amiga - Network Amiga discussion for all
Amiga boards
12: OS/2 - Information regarding OS/2 and
13: Windows 3.0 - Windows 3.0 and Applications
14: Multitasking - Discussion of DesqView, VM386, etc.
15: TPS - Global discussion sub for TPS
16: Books & Literature - For those pirates out there that
are literate.
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17: Programming - General programming - whatever
18: Celerity Sysops Org. - For CSO members only (Celerity
sysops & co's).
19: Virus Development - Viruses
20: UNIX - UNIX / XENIX discussion
21: Sports - Sports
30: I.N.C. Public - For discussion by/about INC.
31: ACiD & ANSI - For ACiD ANSI and other ANSI art
90: Havok Discussion - For discussions about
Havok software. Not of interest to
Celerity sysops.
91: Silicosis Discussion - For Silicosis sysops.
99: Celerity Test Sub - For "Is this net working" posts.
That's it! You're ready to net! The calls are made
automatically and the mail you receive is automatically added to
your board.
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Section 4 Running The Board
After setting up the board, you need to do before putting it
online. This section will cover those items.
You need to edit the 'MAIN.BAT' that came in the zip to be
correct for your system. Be sure to change all the directories
to match yours, and don't forget to set the dszlog option
The first time you start up the board, it will say STATUS not
found. Restart Silicosis and the necessary message files will be
created and go to the WFC screen (Waiting For Call).
4.1 The Waiting For Call (WFC) Screen
When starting the board, this screen comes up. The screen
displays board statistics. It remains when no one is using the
board. The WFC screen has an automatic screen blanker. The
screen is restored by pressing "ALT-B".
From the WFC screen you can access many commands.
Most of the available commands are briefly covered here.
F1 - Force Net Call. If using the Net this will force Silicosis
to call the host system and deliver/pickup mail. Only use
this if you have a node number from me.
F2 - Exit Silicosis and go to DOS.
F3 - Send a Carrier. This will pick up the phone. Silicosis
will do this at startup. but if you need to, this is how.
F4 - Read Feedback. This will send you to the feedback menu if
there is feedback waiting.
F5 - System Log. This will display the system log.
F6 - Edit Users. This will send you to the internal user editor.
F7 - Term Program. This will exit Silicosis with an error level
of 7. Setup your MAIN.BAT to trap this error level and run
your term program.
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F8 - Edit Protocols. This will send to the internal protocol
F9 - Silicosis Setup. This will run the setup program. Before
any changes made will take effect, however, you must reload
F10 - Log on Locally. This will log you onto the board.
Alt-A - Toggle Availability. Use this to change your chat status.
Alt-B - Blank the WFC screen.
Alt-D - Drop carrier.
Alt-E - Back door menu (see section for more information).
Alt-H - Help Screen listing these functions
Alt-J - Jump to DOS. You will need to enter "EXIT" to return.
Alt-R - File Request. See FREQing for more information.
Alt-S - Show system statistics.
4.2 SysOp Commands
To get to the main SysOp commands, hit '%' from the main menu.
A few commands that may need a little explaining will be
D>elete Error Log does just what it says. You can do this, or
let it pile up to 1 meg, it's your option, I delete mine daily.
I>nfoform Hunt let's you see a user's infoforms or all users
K>ill System Log erases the system log, see option D
M>ake a User lets the sysop add a user, for testing purposes, or
even a real user
N>ews Edit let's you change the news that a user sees right
before the main menu
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R>emove all infoforms lets the sysop remove present infoforms so
new ones can be entered.
T> Edit Specs. This option takes a bit more explaining than the
Several places in Silicosis including the user editor in the
sysop menu you will see something like [?,??=List] the '?' gives
you a prompt for a user, and the '??' gives you a prompt for a
Specification, which you create here. It is setup so you can
group certain users together, say all those with levels between
40 and 60, or all those that haven't called in 10 days or more,
etc. This may be odd, or unuseful, but the more users you get,
the more useful this feature is, You also can check those with
low PCRs that is another useful criteria to check.
V> Show sysops tells you who has access level 100 (sysop) or
Z>ap Users lets you delete whole specs of users. Say you have
2400 users with a level of 40, but you decide to go 9600+, you
can create a spec through option 'T' with level 40 called 2400
Users and when you hit this option, it ask you for a spec, and
then you ZAP the lamers!
B> is yet another one that requires some explaining. It's where
FREQing is handled, or File Requesting. You have to set this
area up before any other SilicÖsis board can FREQ from you or you
can FREQ from them.
Here's a sub-menu:
A>dd a node let's you add nodes that you FREQ from. Node number
isn't important, so long as you don't have two that duplicate
each other. The name is pretty simple, whatever the board name
is. The password is the board's that you're FREQing from. Ask
the sysop what his password is. The phone number...duh..
D>elete node deletes a FREQ node.
E>dit node lets you change the specs on a particular node.
Useful if a FREQ password or phone number of a board changes.
L>ist lets you see all the nodes you have configured.
Well, that's it for the sysop commands, not too difficult, just
takes some practice. You must learn this section as it is where
you control all aspects of the board.
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4.3 File Sponsor Commands
The file sponsor menu is where you do maintenance on the files
and the file areas. This area is also essential to the proper
execution of the board.
Most of the command are pretty straight-forward. Here are a few
of the more complex ones:
O>rder Boards lets you move the boards around in any order you
want. You move them by simply replacing the board already in
that position with the one you want there, and all the other
areas get bumped back one.
R> Modify Area lets you change all the specs on an area that you
told SilicÖsis when you set the area up, Such as Password, Path,
Level, etc.
S>ort Area sorts the files in alphabetical order. Just makes it
look better.
K>ill area completely deletes a file area, BE CAREFUL with this
option, though no files are erased, it can be quite a job to
locally re-upload all the files in a base.
*> Change areas lets you change file areas without having to exit
back to the main file area.
U>sers with access shows the users who have access to the current
file area
V> Rename All Files.... This option doesn't work... Skeeve?
Really though, it's not an important option as it just changes
all the files' archive method.
ZIP is the most widely accepted, and it's not to likely to
change until LZH can speed up, or a new one comes out,
but it might be useful in the future.
W> Add Multiple files lets you do a local batch upload which is
great if you already have several files in a directory and would
like to upload them all instead of one by one as with the 'A'
That's it for the File Commands, now on the message commands.
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4.4 Message Sponsor Commands
Again, hitting '%' from the normal message menu gives you the
message base sponsor menu. Here you change the specs on the
message bases and conferences, including the Net ID Number, which
will be discussed in detail in section. Again, only the more
complicated options will be discussed, most of them are
very simple. This is the last section guys so stay with me.
B> Order Boards is much like the file sponsor command to Order
Areas. This is to switch the board around to make them look
C> Sort boards puts the numbers on the areas in the proper order
if they've been changed because of option 'B'
F> This option changes the number of post of the current user, I
think, and it requires the Tender Password, so more than likely
only you will want to change it.
M>ove bulletin moves a post on the current board to another
board. This is useful for those lamers that try and post BBS Ads
in the general base, etc.
N> Set Net ID Number is very important if a net ID number
changes. Again, see section concerning net ID numbers for
both the CelerityNET and SilicsosisNET
O> Shows users with access to the current board.
R>ename board changes not only the name of the board, but the
number that a user enters to get to the area, so BE CAREFUL! Who
knows what would happen if you have two bases with the same
U> Set User's Access is a neat option. Say you just read a post
from some loser, and you decide he needs to be helped out of this
base, so you can enter his handle, and kick him out. The
opposite can be done as well, you can let someone in a certain
base they would not normally have access to.
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4.5 Online Commands
While a user is online the sysop has a complete array of commands
They are as follows...
F1 : Enter Split Screen Chat mode. Sends you to a split screen
F2 : Online Sysop Tools. This gives you a menu of options
including user editing, running setup, shelling to dos, etc.
F3 : Hang up user and display fake line noise.
F4 : Hang up user without displaying line noise.
F5 : Sysop Pull downs. This is like F2 only pull downs instead
of menu type.
F6 : Enter line chat mode.
F7 : Toggle sysop next. This will cause Silicosis to exit with an
errorlevel of 4 when the user logs off. Have your main.bat trap
this errorlevel and send it to a command to log the sysop on. See
example main.bat.
F8 : Lock the timer. This will cause the users time not to count
F9 : Lock modem input. Commands coming over the modem will not be
F10 : Lock Modem Output. What you do locally will not be sent
over the modem.
Alt-A : Toggle sysop availability
Alt-T : Grant temporary sysop access.
Alt-K : Take away ALL the users time.
Alt-B : Refresh the status line.
Alt-E : Toggle Text trap.
Alt-V : View User's stats.
Alt-H : Display Help screen.
- 25 -
Alt F1-F10 : Display sysop macros. These should be in a file
called sysop.mac.
Macro #1 on line 1, macro #2 on line 2, etc...
Left Arrow : Remove 1 minute of time.
Right Arrow: Grant 1 minute of time.
Up Arrow : Give one file point.
Down Arrow : Remove one file point.
Insert : Add one access level.
Delete : Remove one access level.
Page Up : Add one Xfer level.
Page Down : Remove one xfer level.
- 26 -
Thanks got to the following:
TCS Staff - Their code was the foundation for Silicosis.
The Byter(Celerity author) - Helped me work out some bugs as well
as gave me the structures needed to
be CelerityNet compatible.
Mr.Ice - Mucho beta testing and bug finding.
Also contributed the code for the file
sort routine.
Crypt Master - Beta Testing and Suggestions
The Future Of Silicosis
I plan on continually updating this software to make it better
and bug free. All suggestions, bug reports will be greatly
Some specific plans include:
Highly configurable FREQing, to include time limits, Maximum
Kbytes, and an option to get Net updates AND FREQing all in the
same call.
Reworked Message system, to cut down on the message sizes, and
speed it up a bit as well.
More command line options in addition to rewriting the ones now
in place.
And most of all, BETTER Docs!